Now we are getting pretty close to the time when things like peas need to be planted right into the ground-so in the next couple of weekends, we need to get ourselves bundled up and out in the back to start the cleanup. I would have done some of it today if I wasn't so exhausted from having strep throat this past week. But we are moving. Most of the stuff that needs to be started indoors has been started-we need to get some brussel sprout seeds, and some other random herb that Ami wants. But as of now, I have 4 lovely seed trays steaming up nicely next to the window in the living room. See?

Updates on other planting projects: here's my window herb garden:
My rosemary plant is VERY unhappy. I am not sure what the problem is, other than I am sure she doesn't want to be inside any more than I do at this point:
See? Very sad. Hang in there girl...I will get you outside soon. And probably bring you a nice handsome friend from the Hartford Farmer's Market...that should start pretty soon.

And last but not least today, a teeeeeeeny bit of Spring. Ami brought it home from River Valley Market for me.
And there are only 27 days until the Smith College Bulb sale...and I am counting.

Here's hoping that March doesn't come in like a lion but leaves like a lamb...I am not hopeful...I think I hear the weather people predicting snow for some time this week. Although, they haven't been what you would call...um, what's the word I am looking for...accurate...for the past couple of months.
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